General Risk Assessment

What is a risk assessment?

Risk assessment is a process that people do automatically all the time. When crossing the road; driving a car; or boiling a kettle, a ‘risk assessment’ is carried out. But, of course, this assessment is usually done very quickly and without conscious thought or effort. Those who are not very good at this process tend to have accidents.

Risk assessment is the formalised process of identifying hazards (associated with work activities and locations), evaluating risk and then either eliminating or controlling that risk to acceptable levels. Risk assessment is a legal requirement under The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR).

A workplace risk assessment is simply an extension of this automatic self-preservation mechanism that has been formalised to meet legal requirements.

The five steps of risk assessment

There are commonly using identified 5 steps to carry out a risk assessment: 

DSK Consultancy services will support with your risk assessment and needed actions.