Health and Safety Performance Review

What is health and safety performance review?

Carrying out reviews will confirm whether your health and safety arrangements still make sense. For example, you will be able to:

  • check the validity of your health and safety policy;
  • ensure the system you have in place for managing health and safety is effective.

You will be able to see what has changed about the health and safety environment in your business. This will enable you to stop doing things that are no longer necessary while allowing you to respond to new risks.

Reviewing also gives you the opportunity to celebrate and promote your health and safety successes. Increasingly, third parties are requiring partner organisations to report health and safety performance publicly.

The most important aspect of reviewing is that it closes the loop. The outcomes of your review become what you plan to do next with health and safety.

The Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle

Plan, Do, Check, Act should not be seen as a once-and-for-all action:

You may need to go round the cycle more than once, particularly when;

  • starting out;
  • developing a new process, product or service; or
  • implementing any change.

Keep your business safe with our health and safety performance review.